March 27


Impress Potential Clients with Your Sleek Business Cards

By Hackworth

March 27, 2017

Business cards have been around for centuries…literally.

During the fifteenth century, the Chineses created calling cards, which gave people notice before a visit.

In the seventeenth century, European merchants invented trading cards as mini advertisements.

It’s true, advertising existed back then too!

A couple of centuries later, business cards have evolved to statement pieces that aim to make a positive first impression to your prospective clients.

Which is all the more reason to impress them with sleek business cards.

To illustrate this point, here are 3 ways sleek business cards do that.

But first:

What are sleek business cards?

Sleek business cards aren’t a one-size-fits-all kind of card.

It is not a certain design, color, or style that makes a card “sleek.”

It’s the well-thought-out and tasteful integration of your product and business fused with the card that makes it like that.

For instance, if you work for or own a graphic design company, a sleek card would exemplify your design skills.

Or, if you work in the technology industry, a beautiful card wouldn’t be as colorful as a graphic designer’s card, but more simple and bold.

A sleek card also can be a literal interpretation of your company (or the company you work for). Chomp’s business card, for instance, literally has a “bite” taken out of it.

It’s also important to know that this kind of card doesn’t have to be stereotypically professional. It can be fun and friendly, which actually may push the potential client to call you.

This business card incorporates a playful design by using a text message format to display the contact information.

1. Make a memorable first impression

Like we mentioned before, a business card is the first impression your potential client gets of you.

A sleek business card with a state-of-the-art design evokes professionalism and class.

Sadly, a flimsy stock card with print stains implies you don’t value your business and that your work is sub-par (whether that’s actually true or not).

The simple point is, a business card can make you or break you.

Even an average card at best won’t help your client remember you and call you up.

High quality is key.

2. Make people want to pass your card out

Think about it.

People will want to pass your card out if it fully incorporates your business and product with an amazing design.

It’s a reflection of their good taste in not just quality service, but a quality card.

It’s like Twitter, the more tangible version of retweeting.

People want to retweet if the tweet makes that person look more knowledgeable, funny, or influential.

It’s the same way with giving someone another’s card.

So, while the potential customer you initially speak with may not need your services at the moment, he or she may know of someone who does.

A sleek business card will give them that push to pass your card along.

3. More than human element

With the business world becoming increasingly integrated with technology, it’s now more important than ever to secure that human element in business.

A business card helps solidify this.

Think of it.

It’s a tangible reminder of an in-person connection, which is markedly rare nowadays.

That potential client will pull out your card, and those memories of the business meeting will pop up.

A sleek business card makes those memories and that human element of business even better.

Remember what we said about first impressions?

Combine that with the fond memories, and your well thought-out business card may be an asset in your lead generation strategy.

To learn more about sleek business cards and how they impress potential clients, contact us.


About the author

In 1991, Hackworth opened its doors as a blue printer in Chesapeake, VA. Under the direction of Dorothy and Charlie Hackworth and their son Charles, the business is now a full-fledged graphics, printing and technology company serving the Mid-Atlantic.

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